So this time the parental temporary insanity drove me to volunteer to be a chaperone for tomorrow's 4th grade field trip. Now this isn't just any field trip. This is a 3 hour drive (one way) to the state capitol. With about 60 kids. On a bus. Now my one salvation is that this will be a charter bus so we will have a bathroom, a tv and comfy seats. That doesn't change the fact that the trip will be a total of 6 hours....on a bus.....with 60 kids. But I will make the sacrifice for my kid. Because that's how the temporary insanity works. Oh and it's supposed to rain tomorrow...of course.
And for my weight loss update of the week - I have now lost 15 pounds!
Wish me luck tomorrow. By the way, did I mention the trip is 6 hours on a bus with 60 kids. EEEK!