I spent my day yesterday doing laundry. It's not my favorite chore by far so I grabbed the
Moonlighting Season 3 DVD set and finished watching it as I sorted, folded and hung up the clothes.
Moonlighting is probably my all-time favorite show. When I was a teen, I never missed a Tuesday night. I remember my French teacher was a big fan too and every Tuesday morning when I walked into her class, we'd look at each other and say, "It's Moonlighting night!". Of course, the 3rd season was filled with turmoil...cast fighting, Bruce Willis' broken collar bone, Cybill Shepherd's pregnancy and other production delays...which led to rerun after frustrating rerun.
The DVD lets you forget about all that though (except when they remind you in classic tongue-in-cheek Moonlighting fashion) and watch all 15 episodes from start to finish with no reruns! There are some classics -
Atomic Shakespeare,
Big Man on Mulberry Street, Mark Harmon as Sam Crawford (I had forgotten how totally hot he was back then!) and of course,
I Am Curious...Maddie where David & Maddie finally get together. There is also a great interview with Glenn Caron, Bruce Willis and Cybill Shepherd all in the same room! Greatness!
So I recommend you pick up or rent all of the Moonlighting DVD's. It's a great, timeless story - if you can get past the shoulder pads and 80's hair. Check it out!