Monday, April 23, 2007

Truth, Justice and...

Truth is a subjective thing, really.  Things happen to us, our brain interprets them and that becomes our "truth".  Is it the "real" truth?  Sometimes.  It's "real" to us but sometimes it doesn't effectively represent the entire truth.  My aunt always said, "There are 3 sides to every story...his side, her side and the real truth."  I think she was right on the money.

We tend to believe the "truth" of our friends - those who have supported us, helped us through hard times, been there for us when we needed them.  Of course we do!  That's our job as a friend.  Sometimes though, it's worth listening to the "truth" from another perspective.  You might see things in a different way.  It doesn't mean your friend is a liar.  It doesn't mean your friend is wrong.  It just allows you to form your own "truth" and base your decisions on that.  In many cases, your friend may be completely right...but sometimes, you may find out that his or her version of the truth is a little distorted.

So the next time rumors start to fly, remember what my aunt said:  "There are 3 sides to every story...".  Then seek out the facts and form your own truth. 

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