Thursday, November 6, 2008
Getting Healthy
When I saw the doctor, I made him an appointment. So about 2 weeks after I went in, he went and had a checkup. His blood sugar was very high, as was his cholesterol. The doctor didn't give him the chance to work on his before putting him on 4 different medicines. He is working hard to control the diabetes and by doing so, hopefully controlling his cholesterol.
What is more worrisome to me is that his billirubin and iron levels were too high. This is indicative of a genetic disorder called hemochromatosis. If he has this, the only way to treat it is by bloodletting. Yeah, not fun. He goes back to the doctor next week, so hopefully we will know more then.
I'm anxious for him to find out something definite and start getting treatments so he will be feeling better. He's been sluggish and tired for about 10 months now. Getting the diabetes under control has helped but I hope that he'll be back to his old self soon.
I go back to the doctor in about two weeks myself. I hope I'll have good news about my cholesterol. Keep your fingers crossed.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Lifestyle Changes
My doctor sat me down and explained to me that I needed to make some serious changes for my health. I have a history of heart disease and diabetes in my family so I really need to take care of myself.
My biggest obstacle in all of this is my family. The Pleaser is an extremely picky eater and Phone Guy eats the most unhealthy diet you have ever seen. He thinks three of the four food groups are Bacon, Salt, Cheese. In the 10 years since Phone Guy and I got married I have gained sooooo much weight. He doesn't seem to mind...but it's unhealthy and I feel so bad about myself because of it.
My report from the doctor must have scared Phone Guy though because he has really been trying to help me eat better. We shopped for groceries together yesterday and chose some alternative foods like ground turkey instead of ground beef. He said he's willing to do this and support me the best he can.
I also got some great support from my best friend. She is also trying to lose some weight, though hers is post-baby weight. She and I have made a standing date to walk together twice a week and she has offered up her ear and shoulder for anytime I need some support.
I have 3 months before I go back to the doctor and I want to stun him with how well I have done. I need to do this for me and for my family. I can't stand the thought of not being around for my boys as they grow up and have their own families.
Here's to a new me!
We Survived the First Week of School! Yay!
Danger Boy started fourth grade. He had a good week. He likes his teacher so far and he only missed one on his first spelling test (which is outstanding for him!). I am cautiously optimistic that we will have another good year.
The Pleaser started 7th grade. That means a new school for him. His first week was OK but he already has one teacher that he loves, one he cannot stand and a couple that he thinks he can just barely tolerate. He's also got an older kid in band with him who has been bullying him a little. I don't think the band director will put up with it for long though. The Pleaser isn't ready for me to say anything. He's afraid it will just make him more of a target. But I won't let it continue long. The band director is kind of a hard-ass so I think if I bring it to his attention, he will take care of it...and fast.
Also new for us this year...The Pleaser is riding the bus to school. I was really worried about it because I have heard horror stories, but the first week was uneventful so I remain cautiously optimistic about that as well. I'm still picking him up and he prefers it that way but the bus fits our morning schedule so I hope it continues to be an uneventful ride.
Now in 9 months or so, I'll be saying, "Isn't school out yet?" But for now, I'm going to revel in the scheduled life I am leading.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
2008 Fall TV Premiere Dates
Monday, Sept. 1
8 p.m. — “Prison Break,” Fox (2 hours)
8 p.m. — “Gossip Girl,” The CW
9 p.m. — “One Tree Hill,” The CW
Tuesday, Sept. 2
8 p.m. — “90210,” The CW (2 hours)
Wednesday, Sept. 3
8 p.m. — “Bones,“ Fox (2 hours)
8 p.m. — “America’s Next Top Model,” The CW (2 hours)
Thursday, Sept. 4
8 p.m. — “Moment of Truth,“ Fox (2 hours)
Friday, Sept. 5
8 p.m. — “Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? Fox (2 hours)
Saturday, Sept. 6
8 p.m. — “Cops,” Fox
9 p.m. — “America’s Most Wanted,“ Fox
Monday, Sept. 8
8 p.m. — “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles,” Fox
Tuesday, Sept. 9
8 p.m. — “Fringe,” Fox (2 hours) *
9 p.m. — “Privileged,” The CW *
Wedesday, Sept. 10
9 p.m. — ‘Til Death,” Fox
9:30 p.m. — “Do Not Disturb,” Fox *
Thursday, Sept. 11
9 p.m. — “Kitchen Nightmares,” Fox
Friday, Sept. 2
8 p.m. — “America’s Toughest Jobs,” NBC (2 hours) *
Friday, Sept. 12
9 p.m. — “Don’t Forget the Lyrics,” Fox
Tuesday, Sept. 16
8 p.m. — “House,“ Fox
Thursday, Sept. 18
8 p.m. — “Survivor,” CBS
8 p.m. — “Smallville,” The CW
9 p.m. — “Supernatural,” The CW
Friday, Sept. 19
10 p.m. — “20/20,″ ABC
Monday, Sept. 22
8 p.m. “Dancing with the Stars,” ABC (2 hours)
8 p.m. — “The Big Bang Theory,“ CBS
8:30 p.m. — “How I Met Your Mother,” CBS
9 p.m. — “Heroes,“ NBC (2 hours)
9 p.m. — “Two and a Half Men,“ CBS
9:30 p.m. — “Worst Week,“ CBS *
10 p.m. — “Boston Legal,” ABC
10 p.m. — “CSI: Miami,“ CBS
Tuesday, Sept. 23
8 p.m. — “Opportunity Knocks,” ABC *
8 p.m. — “NCIS,” CBS
9 p.m. — “The Mentalist,” CBS *
10 p.m. — “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit,” NBC
10 p.m. — “Without a Trace,” CBS
Wednesday, Sept. 24
8 p.m. — “Knight Rider,” NBC *
8 p.m. — “The New Adventures of the Old Christine,” CBS
8:30 p.m. — “Project Gary,” CBS *
9 p.m. — “Criminal Minds,“ CBS
10 p.m. — “Lipstick Jungle,” NBC
10: p.m. — “CSI: NY,” CBS
Thursday, Sept. 25
8 p.m. — “My Name Is Earl,” NBC (1 hour)
8 p.m. — “Ugly Betty,” ABC
9 p.m. — “The Office,” NBC (1 hour)
9 p.m. — “Grey’s Anatomy,” ABC (2 hours)
10 p.m. — “ER,” NBC
Saturday, Sept. 27
8 p.m. — “Crimetime Saturday,” CBS
10 p.m. — “48 Hours Mystery,“ CBS
Sunday, Sept. 28
7:p.m. — “60 Minutes,“ CBS
7 p.m. — “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition,” ABC (2 hours)
8 p.m. — “The Amazing Race,” CBS
8 p.m. — “The Simpsons,” Fox
8:30 p.m. — “King of the Hill,” Fox
9 p.m. — “Desperate Housewives,” ABC
9 p.m. — “Cold Case,” CBS
9 p.m. — “Family Guy,” Fox
9:30 p.m. — “American Dad,” Fox
10 p.m. — “Brothers & Sisters,” ABC
10 p.m. — “The Unit,” CBS
Monday, Sept. 29
8 p.m. — “Chuck,” NBC
10 p.m. — “My Own Worst Enemy,” NBC *
Wednesday, Oct. 1
8 p.m. — “Pushing Daisies,” ABC
9 p.m. — “Private Practice,” ABC
10 p.m. — “Dirty Sexy Money,” ABC
Friday, Oct. 3
8 p.m. — “Ghost Whisperer,” CBS
8 p.m. — “Everybody Hates Chris,“ The CW
8 p.m. — “Wife Swap,“ ABC
9 p.m. — “Supernanny,“ ABC
8:30 p.m. — “The Game,“ The CW
9 p.m. — “The Ex List,“ CBS *
9 p.m. — “America’s Next Top Model” repeats, The CW
10 p.m. — “Numb3rs,“ CBS
10 p.m. — “Life,” NBC
Sunday, Oct. 5
7 p.m. — “America’s Funniest Home Videos,” ABC
Monday, Oct. 6
9:30 p.m. — “Samantha Who?,” ABC
Thursday, Oct. 9
9 p.m. — “CSI,” CBS
9:30 p.m. — “Kath & Kim,” NBC *
10 p.m. — “Eleventh Hour,“ CBS *
10 p.m. — “Life on Mars,“ ABC *
Tuesday, Oct. 14
10 p.m. — “Eli Stone,” ABC
Friday, Oct. 17
9 p.m. — “Crusoe,“ NBC (2 hours) *
Wednesday, Oct. 29
9 p.m. — “Stylista,” The CW *
Thursday, Oct. 30
8:30 p.m. — “30 Rock,” NBC
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Irrational Fears
This hot, dry time of year always drives a few cockroaches into the house. I'm sure they are seeking water. I hate them as much as the next gal, but they don't scare me. Annoy me, YES! But they don't scare me.
So today, as Danger Boy was getting his gear ready for Karate, he starts screaming and runs down the hall because he saw a roach in his room. I was annoyed by his behavior and told him to get back in his room and get his gear so we could go. He absolutely refused, which made me even madder. So good mom that I am, I forced him down the hall and into his room and he proceeded to have the biggest near panic attack, crying episode I have ever seen. I thought I was going to have to call the psychiatric hospital to come get him. It was absolutely insane. And it was just ticking me off. I guess I should have felt compassion for him, and if it had been a spider or a hornet or a snake, I probably would have. Hell, I might have joined him. But as it was, a harmless (though disgusting) cockroach, it annoyed me to no end.
Phone Guy found the creature and disposed of it. I finally got him to calm down and get his gear and we headed to class. We no sooner than got started down the road when his headband brushed against his neck and he freaked out in the car....and I mean FREAKED OUT! I went on to Karate and he was fine there but as soon as we got home, I asked him to take a shower and he was walking on tiptoes through the house because he was afraid one would get on his feet. He didn't want to go in the bathroom because he was afraid there was one in there. He was completely looney toons about it. Even at bedtime he was still talking about them and looking nervously around the room at the walls and ceiling.
I guess I'm wrong to be annoyed and I should comfort him and coddle him but it just makes no sense to me. Do your kids have irrational fears like that? Did they come on suddenly? Am I a loser mom for being annoyed? (Wait, don't answer that last one...)
Saturday, July 19, 2008
My Poor, Neglected Blog
In neatly bulleted form, here we go...
- In May of every year, I am in charge of putting together (at the last minute of course) the yearbook for Danger Boy's school. It is the mother of all jobs. Don't get me wrong...I love doing it. It's just a very big undertaking for one person and unfortunately I am very bad about asking for help.
- May also brings the end of school. Something going on every day for weeks. Field trips, awards ceremonies, parties, etc. So there's that.
- By the way, I need to mention that Danger Boy won Most Improved Student for the ENTIRE YEAR and he also made 100% on his standardized state math test. Thankyouverymuch! He has come a long way baby!!
- And since I'm bragging, here's another bullet for The Pleaser. He was selected for the Honor Band at the Middle School he will be attending next year. They don't take many 7th graders so it's a big honor (guess that's why they call it Honor Band).
- I have great kids. (It just needed it's own bullet point I think)
- So after May, June came and summer vacation for the kids. That means they go to work with me every day. And when I say every day, I mean 5 days a week and several Saturdays. We are short-handed and I can sure use the money since Phone Guy's business has been so slow lately, so it's off to work I go. (Hi Ho, Hi Ho)
- June also brought Karate. Yes, the boys are learning some Kung Fu Fighting so they can
kick the crap out of each otherdefend themselves and gain self-confidence. I think it will be good for Danger Boys motor skills and The Pleaser's self-esteem. And it won't hurt him to learn some Bruce Lee moves since he'll probably be riding the bus to school next year. - I closed my ebay store and started my own website for my toy store. It was quite an undertaking. It took me about 3 days to type up all the listings and get them in the new store. And I have to spend quite a lot of time advertising things myself, since I don't have the advantage of ebay's marketing. Then again, I don't have the fees and BS to put up with either. If you care to take a gander at the new site, it's at www.
- Oh, I almost forgot the most important thing. The Pleaser has started to eat. I mean, he always ate. Only peanut butter and chicken nuggets and maybe a piece of cheese pizza or a taco with no meat for 12 whole years, but he ate. It started with pepperoni pizza. Then he asked for meat on his taco. Two days ago he asked for a salami and cheese sandwich. Then he ate a bacon, egg and cheese toaster from Sonic. I guess I always knew he would start eating eventually, I just didn't think it would all happen in the same week.
So here we are more than halfway through July. I'm not going to promise I'll update more often because I don't like being a liar. I'll just say that I hope to stop in now and again and chat some more.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
It's a Good Day - New TV Tonight
When the TV writers went on strike, I seriously went into a mild (OK, major) depression every Thursday night. You must understand that I watch every show that airs on Thursday. OK, yes, that's a minor exaggeration. I don't watch anything on CBS. But that's only because my DVR can only record 2 shows at once.
A few of my shows have come back. LOST started up for a while (then took a few weeks off *sniff*). Smallville has been new (on and off) for a few weeks and Reaper took up residence on Thursday nights for a short time. ER came back a couple of weeks ago. The Office and My Name is Earl had new shows. Slowly, I have been coming out of my depression.
But tonight. Tonight I get a full night of new TV in every time slot. I am so excited! I'll get Smallville then switch over to Grey's Anatomy (oh how i've missed you, George) which will be followed for the first time ever by LOST. And I'll still have all that other stuff on my DVR to watch this weekend.
Thank you programming gods!!
The boys are taking early baths and going to their rooms to read (It's good for them!). Nobody better even speak to me come primetime tonight.
Proud Mom, meet Angry Mom
In third grade, he has had an outstanding teacher (who I wish we could take with us for the rest of his school career). I seriously love this woman and would kidnap her and hold her hostage in my house if I had the room. Lucky for her we are so crowded and cluttered, eh?
So anyway, she told me I would be getting a note. Notes aren't usually good things for us so as soon as I picked up Danger Boy at school, I asked for the note and read it. It turns out it is awesome news! DB is getting an award at an assembly on Friday for the Most Improved Student!! I tell you, I was so proud I could have popped when I read that. But I remained calm. The letter said he wouldn't be informed of the honor until the ceremony, so I folded the letter back up, stuck it in the envelope and placed it back in his backpack.
That was my first mistake...
When we got home, my mom called. I talked to her for a very short time and, as I was telling her about the honor, remembered the note in his backpack. Now keep in mind that DB never opens his backpack until I remind him multiple times that he needs to do homework, so I wasn't really worried at all. I walked back to his room and what did I find laying in the floor? Bingo - the letter, laying open and obviously read in the floor.
Here comes my second mistake...
I proceeded to get angry and yell. I told him how that letter was meant for me and had my name on it and how you aren't supposed to read other people's mail and how he had ruined his surprise.
After calming down, I realized I had never told him how proud I was of his award. Instead of making lemonade with those lemons and celebrating the honor, I yelled at him and made him feel bad. I was having major mom guilt...and, you know, I was probably most mad because I wouldn't get to see his surprise. Selfish, I know.
So I called Danger Boy in and told him how proud I was and what an honor he was getting and really tried to make it better. I reminded him not to open notes intended for me ever again, but I tried to make my pride in his achievement overshadow all the rest. He started bawling. Yeah, that made me feel better.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Al and Miles Say Goodbye to Smallville

Al Gough and Miles Millar have called it quits as the showrunners for Smallville. Al and Miles created the show 7 years ago and have stood at the helm since then. It will be strange to think of the show without them but they have decided to move on and, really, this could be a good thing for Smallville. Over the last 4 years the storylines have seemed to go nowhere. I've enjoyed this season more than the last 2 or 3 but I think some fresh perspective might be good for the show.
Executive Producers Todd Slavkin, Darren Swimmer, Kelly Souders and Brian Peterson will take over as showrunners next season. It's still strange to think that Al and Miles won't be running things but I guess we'll see how things go.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - Yay for Something New!!

This List of Winners Will Be More Exciting Than the Actual Golden Globes
If you're interested, here is the list of the winners:
Motion Picture, Drama: "Atonement."
Actress, Drama: Julie Christie, "Away From Her."
Actor, Drama: Daniel Day-Lewis, "There Will Be Blood."
Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy: "Sweeney Todd."
Actress, Musical or Comedy: Marion Cotillard, "La Vie En Rose."
Actor, Musical or Comedy: Johnny Depp, "Sweeney Todd."
Supporting Actress: Cate Blanchett, "I'm Not There."
Supporting Actor: Javier Bardem, "No Country for Old Men."
Director: Julian Schnabel, "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly."
Screenplay: Ethan Coen and Joel Coen, "No Country for Old Men."
Foreign Language: "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly," France and U.S.
Animated Film: "Ratatouille."
Original Score: Dario Marianelli, "Atonement."
Original Song: "Guaranteed" from "Into the Wild."
Series, Drama: "Mad Men," AMC.
Actress, Drama: Glenn Close, "Damages."
Actor, Drama: Jon Hamm, "Mad Men."
Series, Musical or Comedy: "Extras," HBO.
Actress, Musical or Comedy: Tina Fey, "30 Rock"
Actor, Musical or Comedy: David Duchovny, "Californication."
Miniseries or Movie: "Longford," HBO.
Actress, Miniseries or Movie: Queen Latifah, "Life Support."
Actor, Miniseries or Movie: Jim Broadbent, "Longford."
Supporting Actress, Series, Miniseries or Movie: Samantha Morton, "Longford."
Supporting Actor, Series, Miniseries or Movie: Jeremy Piven, "Entourage."
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
People's Choice Winners

The People's Choice Awards had to rethink their ceremony as well and elected to tape the show for later broadcast rather than show it live. Awards were delivered to winners on set and many gave pre-recorded acceptance speeches. Several of the actors voiced support for the WGA in their speeches. Joaquin Phoenix actually did his thank you via cue cards, without speaking a word. They read, "I'm speechless without the writers. Seriously. But in my own quiet way, I want to thank the millions of fans that voted for me for favorite leading man."
Here's the complete list of winners:
Female TV star: Katherine Heigl
Male TV star: Patrick Dempsey
Talk show host: Ellen DeGeneres
Scene stealer: Chandra Wilson
TV drama: "House"
TV comedy: "Two and a Half Men"
Reality show: "Dancing With the Stars"
Game show: "Deal or No Deal"
Sci-fi show: "Stargate Atlantis"
Animated TV show: "The Simpsons"
Female movie star: Reese Witherspoon
Male movie star: Johnny Depp
Leading lady: Drew Barrymore
Leading man: Joaquin Phoenix
Female action star: Keira Knightley
Male action star: Matt Damon
On-screen match-up: George Clooney and Brad Pitt
Movie: "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End"
Movie drama: "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"
Movie comedy: "Knocked Up"
Action movie: "The Bourne Ultimatum"
Family movie: "Shrek the Third"
"Threequel": "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End"
Independent movie: "Becoming Jane"
Female singer: Gwen Stefani
Male singer: Justin Timberlake
Group: Rascal Flatts
Pop song: Justin Timberlake, "What Goes Around ... Comes Around"
Rock song: Daughtry, "Home"
Country song: Rascal Flatts, "Stand"
Hip-hop song: Timbaland featuring Nelly Furtado and Justin Timberlake, "Give it to Me"
R&B song: Rhianna, "Shut Up & Drive"
Song from a soundtrack: "You Can't Stop the Beat" from "Hairspray"
Reunion tour: The Police
Funny male: Robin Williams
Funny female: Ellen DeGeneres
Looks like Grey's Anatomy seriously cleaned up in the TV acting categories.
If You're Finished with my Brain, I'd Kindly Like it Back
Last Night The Pleaser had a Whiz Quiz tournament (yes, he is very smart) and I had given him one task when I dropped him at school: Find out what time we need to be there and where we need to go. Seems simple enough, doesn't it?
I picked him up from school and, as we drove away, asked him if he had that information. He said, "I have a schedule." I drive away so proud, thinking "My kid is so super-awesome." Boy was I wrong (well he is awesome, just not at that moment).
When we got home, I look at the schedule. It is a schedule, but only a schedule of the upcoming tournaments. It doesn't tell me if we meet at his school or go to the tourney school. It doesn't tell me what time he needs to be there, if I am supposed to take him or if he is riding a bus. I kinda need to know these things. I'm sure he was either told or given a handout at one point but that information never seems to get to me (like last year when I found out about the out-of-town Science Olympiad at 3pm the day before the 8am start of the competition). He said he thought the coach told them to be there at 4:45 so I made the executive mom decision that we would go to the tournament school and that turned out to be the right thing to do, thankfully.
Danger Boy was lacking brain function yesterday as well. When I picked him up, he very snottily said to me, "Mom, you need to send me a jacket every day. I didn't get to go to recess today because I didn't have one." I said, "What season is it?" He replied, "Winter." I said, "When you walked outside, did you not notice it was cold?" He said, "I did, but you didn't tell me to get my jacket." I guess it is against the law for him to wear a jacket unless I tell him to put it on?
I don't understand?? Have I done too much thinking for them in their lives. Have I not taught them to think for themselves? Do I chalk it up to the fact that they are just kids. Or is the bigger problem the fact that they are boys?
Wait, I think I know the answer. Phone Guy, don't forget to put on clean underwear.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
The DVR That Ate Doctor Who
So I pulled up my DVR menu and scrolled down to the D's and found all 2 episodes of Doctor Who. Wait? 2 episodes? Yes, 2 episodes. It seems my TV addiction is so bad that I had maxxed out the memory on the DVR and as it was recording all those Rankin-Bass Christmas specials from ABC Family, it was deleting the beloved Doctor.
I guess I have 2 choices: Clean off the DVR or see if I can sweet talk the satellite company into giving me a bigger one. I think I'll try the latter first.
As for Doctor Who, I may now be forced to purchase the DVDs. How terrible! ;)
Monday, January 7, 2008
Happy New Year
It looks like that writing may be coming to an end. At the very least, the job will be cut to 1/3 of what I was doing. That means it's time to dust off Crazy 4 TV and get back to talking about all of my favorite shows and my life in general.
What?! The writers are on strike! There is no new TV to talk about?! You're kidding me! (OK, of course I already knew that...I was just messin' with ya!) ;)
It's not a total loss...yet. We still have LOST starting up in a few weeks. There's one more Grey's Anatomy and 3 more ER's left. Plus there's also a lot of gossip out there and we can always review the writers' YouTube videos if we get bored.
So hang with me and we'll get this puppy back on track. It's good to be home!