Tuesday, August 21, 2007

What a month!

I wanted to stop by and say "Hello" and let you know that I'm still alive and will begin updating again very soon.

My life over the last month has been a roller coaster and it seems I haven't had much time to do anything.

My grandpa passed away on July 28, after a long battle with prostate cancer. He was 84, and had lived a full, long life, but it was still hard to say good-bye. I spent the two weeks after his death helping my grandma and mom with things like phone calls to social security, filing life insurance claims and getting thank you's done. In addition to all of that, I had been swamped at work with all the quarterly things that have to be done.

Then last week, just when I thought things would settle down a bit, my father-in-law called. He was frantic because my sister-in-law had just called to say she was having an emergency c-section. She was due on December 1st, so this was shocking news, of course. It seems she had HELLP syndrome, and was very grave. They took the baby to save her life and brought him by air ambulance to the area where DH and I live (they are about 2 hours away). So we rushed to the hospital to be there when the baby got there. We stayed off and on for several days until sister-in-law was feeling better and could get out to visit the baby.

She is doing so much better and baby Andrew is hanging tough. If you are the praying type and can spare a prayer for him and his family, it would be much appreciated. He is one week old tomorrow, but only would be only 25 1/2 weeks gestational age. He has a long, hard road ahead of him, but I feel good about his chances. The doctors and nurses who are caring for him seem to be the best.

So maybe the turmoil around here will settle down eventually...The boys head back to school next week and the new TV season is fast approaching. I'm looking forward to fall.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Fall Premiere Dates!!

Here are the dates for the 2007-2008 fall television premieres, as reported by TV Squad. This list includes all premieres that have been announced to date (new shows are in bold).

Thursday, August 30th

  • Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? (FOX)

Saturday, September 8th

  • Cops (FOX)

  • America's Most Wanted (FOX)

Tuesday, September 11th

  • The Biggest Loser (NBC)

Thursday, September 13th


Friday, September 14th


Saturday, September 15th

  • MADtv (FOX)

  • Talkshow with Spike Feresten (FOX)