Thursday, December 21, 2006

Now I Am Getting Suspicious

On top of all the nice things Phone Guy did on Tuesday, he took the boys Christmas shopping last night.  I don't know what is wrong with him?!?!

Usually I end up buying myself some things and making him wrap them so the boys will have something to give me for Christmas.  Yesterday he asked if I had a list of things I wanted so I RAN to my computer and printed out my wishlist for him.  I wasn't going to let that moment pass me by.  Then he rounded up the kids and went out.

Now I would love it if he could actually listen to me and have an original thought about what I might want, but I'll take what I can get.

Now I just have to figure out why he is sucking up....hmmmmmm

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I Take Back All the Bad Things I Said About My Hubby

...until the next time he pisses me off anyway.

As I told you, I have been working a lot this month helping my parents relocate their business.  Phone Guy has worked a ton installing Christmas lights and also is doing early mornings at UPS.  We've been so busy we haven't had time to put up our tree, wrap any presents or even keep the house picked up.

I worked late today and on the way home had to stop at the post office and drop of an ebay package.  I called him on my way home and asked if I should pick up dinner.  He said we should take the kids for pizza and told me to swing by the house and pick him up.  He was waiting in the driveway when I got there.

We went to dinner and as we returned home, he asked the kids if they believed in magic.  I walked in the door to find that he had washed dishes, done laundry, picked up the living room AND put up our Christmas tree.  He put the lights on but left the ornaments for the boys and I to put up.  I was so happy and totally in shock!  It's really not typical behavior for him. LOL

Even though he ticks me off once in a while, he is definitely a keeper! 

Monday, December 11, 2006

I'm Not MIA

Unless MIA stand for Moving an Insane Amount of stuff - it doesn't?  Ok, then I'm not MIA.

I don't think I've told you the story of my parents' business getting kicked out of their building and I don't really have time to tell you the whole, very long story right now, but what it boils down to is the landlord (who also happens to be the former owner of the shop my parents now own) is a son of a bitch and a criminal and he filed bankruptcy and the building was repo'd.

To make a long story short, my dad got 3 days notice to get out which, after a few convo's with the attorneys, turned in to 10 days which turned in to 30 days.  Our time is up on the 15th and we finally have a new place and are moving.  So we all are pitching in to get it done so we don't have to hire really expensive movers for anything but the heavy equipment.

Packing a place that has been there over 20 years and is full of crap is soooooo much fun.  I'll check in when I can and return some of those comments soon.
Hope your holiday season is going well.