Friday, June 23, 2006

Where the Hell Are Your Parents?

It is 11:15pm and I sit here listening to kids playing in the street in front of my house.  I'm not talking teenagers, I mean kids - 10 and under.  One is only about 3 years old.  They are running around screaming and there isn't an adult in sight.  My 7 year old is trying to sleep.  My 10 year old isn't here but if he was, he couldn't sleep because they are playing in the street outside his bedroom window.  My neighborhood is pretty safe but that doesn't stop predators from coming and snatching one of them up.  Not to mention that people sometimes drive pretty fast down my street and might not see them in the dark. 

I guess I am getting old but it is really irritating me!  I'm giving them about 15 more minutes, then I am going out to tell them to get in their houses!  I am such a mean old bitch!! (It's official....I have turned into my mother)

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Strange Observation

As I have been losing weight, I am noticing the weight loss in the strangest places.  For instance, the elbows.  Why do I have to lose weight in my elbows first?  Nobody notices if you lose weight in your elbow!  Another weird one - feet.  My shoes are too freakin' big?  WTH?  And how about my neck.  I have lost weight in my neck and now I have these weird tan line circles going around a couple of places on my neck.  I didn't realize I had neck fat rolls until I lost them, but apparently I had enough that they kept the sun out of places.  Hello....could we concentrate on areas of LARGER my ass? 
OK, that was pointless.  But it's been bugging me and I feel better. 

Monday, June 12, 2006

The Peace is Over...and other Random Thoughts

Danger Boy went to stay with the grandparents for a week.  The Pleaser was with his dad for 3 days.  I had glorious peace for 3 whole days.  Everyone's home now.  The Gamecube is blaring, they are fighting over who gets to play and all is back to normal on the homefront.  But I am glad to have them home. Of course, what did I do while my kids were gone?  I spent all of Saturday evening with my next door neighbors playing with babies.  They have been trying to adopt and have decided to become foster parents.  They have a brother and sister 10 months and 20 months right now.  The cutest things you have ever seen!  The 20 month old little girl took to me right away, which is strange because as much as I want them to, girls never take to me.  When it was time for her to go upstairs to bed, she grabbed my hand and said "Go".  She wanted me to come with her.  She was just so sweet!  They are hurricane evacuees and their mom abandoned them.  Thank goodness for wonderful people like my neighbors.  There is so much joy in their house right now.  I hope the mom stays out of the picture so my neighbors can adopt these precious babies.  They would give them such a loving home. 

Weight loss report:  As of today, the plateau is over.  I have lost another 2 lbs since Friday making the grand total (drumroll please)......
22 pounds!

Wednesday, June 7, 2006

The Dreaded Plateau

I have reached it - The Dreaded Plateau.  You know the one when you diet and you stop losing weight.  UGH it is really frustrating me. I haven't lost anything in two weeks.  It makes it really hard to keep motivated.  It's bad enough that I still look like a fat ass and nobody has noticed the weight loss but now I am not losing.  Someone slap me and keep me motivated.  I am seriously wanting to bake some Snickerdoodles and eat until I puke.  Well, not really the last part so much...but you know what I mean. 
In other news, Danger Boy is in Oklahoma with the grandparents.  As much as he drives me crazy, I miss the little dude.  It is too quiet around here.  Almost creepy.  The Pleaser is still around but he'll be going to his dad's for the weekend so I might actually have some grown up time this weekend.  Ahhhhhh. 

Thursday, June 1, 2006

Sometimes You Feel Like a Bitch, Sometimes You Don't

I am just pissed at all of the "men" in my life right now, so ignore me....

OK, you know how men are always blaming our bad moods on PMS....well what the hell causes their bad moods?!?  Phone Guy has been on the rag now for 3 days.  Everything he says is some smartass comment and it's pissing me off!  For example:  I washed the towels he uses in the garage.  I ask, "Where do you want me to put these?"  He looks at me and very sarcastically says, "the garage." (Oh no you di-nt....)  So I calmly turn around, walk to the garage door and throw the stack of nicely folded towels into the garage to land where they may. 

I am tired of being woken up in the middle of the night for stupid crap.  The kids are on summer break now.  The first day of summer break, Danger Boy wakes me up at 1:30, 4:30 and 6:30 - each time asking the burning question, "Is it time to get up yet?"  HELLO!  It is summer vacation.  It is NOT time to get up at any of those ungodly hours!  You have a freakin' clock in your room, look at it.  You know I wake you at 7:00 am for school.  Don't get up any earlier than that.  Then the last 3 nights he has woken me between 11:30 and 1:30 to tell me he has a nosebleed, which would be fine if he actually HAD a nosebleed.  He has 2 microscopic drops of blood on a tissue...and do you want to know why?  Because he lies in bed and picks his nose.  GROSS!  He is just nasty. 

And this morning was even more enjoyable.  At 3:30 Phone Guy wakes me to ask where my car keys are so he can leave for work.  My sleepy mind starts thinking....and I realize I never drove yesterday.  So I get up to look for them.  He says, "I got the spare key, never mind."  I then remember that I sent The Pleaser to the car yesterday for something.  I have a psychic vision and call to Phone Guy to tell him to check the rear bumper.  Sure enough, there sit my keys on the rear the driveway...with my house key on the front of the house.  OOOOOH BOY is that child going to hear from me when he wakes up. 
I need some sleep.   (can you tell)