Monday, June 12, 2006

The Peace is Over...and other Random Thoughts

Danger Boy went to stay with the grandparents for a week.  The Pleaser was with his dad for 3 days.  I had glorious peace for 3 whole days.  Everyone's home now.  The Gamecube is blaring, they are fighting over who gets to play and all is back to normal on the homefront.  But I am glad to have them home. Of course, what did I do while my kids were gone?  I spent all of Saturday evening with my next door neighbors playing with babies.  They have been trying to adopt and have decided to become foster parents.  They have a brother and sister 10 months and 20 months right now.  The cutest things you have ever seen!  The 20 month old little girl took to me right away, which is strange because as much as I want them to, girls never take to me.  When it was time for her to go upstairs to bed, she grabbed my hand and said "Go".  She wanted me to come with her.  She was just so sweet!  They are hurricane evacuees and their mom abandoned them.  Thank goodness for wonderful people like my neighbors.  There is so much joy in their house right now.  I hope the mom stays out of the picture so my neighbors can adopt these precious babies.  They would give them such a loving home. 

Weight loss report:  As of today, the plateau is over.  I have lost another 2 lbs since Friday making the grand total (drumroll please)......
22 pounds!

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