What I watched...and what I thought:
How I Met Your Mother - Legendary
Heroes - Rocked!
Chuck - Cute but corny. I'll give it a chance.
Back to You - Hilarity
Bionic Woman - Kicks Ass
Life - Best new show I've seen
Private Practice - Lame (but giving it another chance)
Reaper - My new fave
Grey's - Is Back
ER - Lukewarm
Smallville - Chloe Yay! Lana Boo.
Weigh in - what is your new favorite. How did the old faves fare?
Monday, October 1, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
I Want My Old Nyquil
Why did Vick's have to jack around with my Nyquil? When the meth addicts started giving pseudoephedrine a bad name, Vick's went pansy on us and pulled the good stuff out of Nyquil. It was the only thing that would help me rest when I had a cold, and now it's different. It doesn't do anything to help me out. I haven't slept in 2 days.
Stupid meth heads.
Stupid meth heads.
So the Emmy's...
Yeah. As usual, most of my favorites didn't win. That's why I don't make predictions. I was happy about Terry O'Quinn & Katherine Heigl's wins but the rest...eh.
Here's the rundown of the major awards, in case you missed it:
JEREMY PIVEN as Ari Gold - Entourage (HBO)
TERRY O’QUINN as John Locke - LOST (ABC)
JAIME PRESSLY as Joy Turner - My Name is Earl (NBC)
KATHERINE HEIGL as Isobel “Izzie” Stevens - Grey's Anatomy (ABC)
RICKY GERVAIS as Andy Millman - Extras (HBO)
SALLY FIELD as Nora Walker - Brothers & Sisters (ABC)
AMERICA FERRERA as Betty Suarez - Ugly Betty (ABC)
JAMES SPADER as Alan Shore - Boston Legal (ABC)
Here's the rundown of the major awards, in case you missed it:
JEREMY PIVEN as Ari Gold - Entourage (HBO)
TERRY O’QUINN as John Locke - LOST (ABC)
JAIME PRESSLY as Joy Turner - My Name is Earl (NBC)
KATHERINE HEIGL as Isobel “Izzie” Stevens - Grey's Anatomy (ABC)
RICKY GERVAIS as Andy Millman - Extras (HBO)
SALLY FIELD as Nora Walker - Brothers & Sisters (ABC)
AMERICA FERRERA as Betty Suarez - Ugly Betty (ABC)
JAMES SPADER as Alan Shore - Boston Legal (ABC)
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
My DVD Players Have Quit Working!
Both of my DVD players have gone caput. The one in the bedroom started acting goofy last week and today the one in the living room quit too. AAAAAHHHHHH! Is there a conspiracy to keep me from watching my new Grey's Anatomy DVD? And what about that NBC Preview DVD I just got from Blockbuster? Oh yeah, and that Blades of Glory that was due 2 days ago and I haven't watched yet?
I am faced with 2 choices: Steal a player from one of my boys or buy a new one. If I steal one from the kids, they will just be bugging me to watch their DVDs in the living room so I might as well shell out the bucks for a new one.
Anybody know of a good sale?
I am faced with 2 choices: Steal a player from one of my boys or buy a new one. If I steal one from the kids, they will just be bugging me to watch their DVDs in the living room so I might as well shell out the bucks for a new one.
Anybody know of a good sale?
Alright Already
I've been pondering this blog for a few days, trying to decide what I'm going to do here. Of course, I'm going to keep bringing the TV love, but I think I'm going a little more personal with this blog, too.
So officially, today, this blog becomes the blog about MY favorite shows and MY life (which basically revolves around my favorite shows anyway).
Speaking of my favorite shows, I got my Heroes DVD last week. If you haven't seen the unaired pilot, go now to get your DVD! It is AWESOME!! It also has 50 deleted scenes. Yes, FIFTY! I still haven't made it through all of them.
I ordered my Grey's Anatomy DVD yesterday and it's ready for me to pick up at Best Buy, so I'll report back when I've eyed the special features on that one. I elected for Best Buy because they were offering a free bonus DVD and, if you know me, you know I'm a sucker for free stuff.
One more week until Smallville comes to DVD and then my wallet is safe until December when LOST hits stores.
So officially, today, this blog becomes the blog about MY favorite shows and MY life (which basically revolves around my favorite shows anyway).
Speaking of my favorite shows, I got my Heroes DVD last week. If you haven't seen the unaired pilot, go now to get your DVD! It is AWESOME!! It also has 50 deleted scenes. Yes, FIFTY! I still haven't made it through all of them.
I ordered my Grey's Anatomy DVD yesterday and it's ready for me to pick up at Best Buy, so I'll report back when I've eyed the special features on that one. I elected for Best Buy because they were offering a free bonus DVD and, if you know me, you know I'm a sucker for free stuff.
One more week until Smallville comes to DVD and then my wallet is safe until December when LOST hits stores.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
What a month!
I wanted to stop by and say "Hello" and let you know that I'm still alive and will begin updating again very soon.
My life over the last month has been a roller coaster and it seems I haven't had much time to do anything.
My grandpa passed away on July 28, after a long battle with prostate cancer. He was 84, and had lived a full, long life, but it was still hard to say good-bye. I spent the two weeks after his death helping my grandma and mom with things like phone calls to social security, filing life insurance claims and getting thank you's done. In addition to all of that, I had been swamped at work with all the quarterly things that have to be done.
Then last week, just when I thought things would settle down a bit, my father-in-law called. He was frantic because my sister-in-law had just called to say she was having an emergency c-section. She was due on December 1st, so this was shocking news, of course. It seems she had HELLP syndrome, and was very grave. They took the baby to save her life and brought him by air ambulance to the area where DH and I live (they are about 2 hours away). So we rushed to the hospital to be there when the baby got there. We stayed off and on for several days until sister-in-law was feeling better and could get out to visit the baby.
She is doing so much better and baby Andrew is hanging tough. If you are the praying type and can spare a prayer for him and his family, it would be much appreciated. He is one week old tomorrow, but only would be only 25 1/2 weeks gestational age. He has a long, hard road ahead of him, but I feel good about his chances. The doctors and nurses who are caring for him seem to be the best.
So maybe the turmoil around here will settle down eventually...The boys head back to school next week and the new TV season is fast approaching. I'm looking forward to fall.
My life over the last month has been a roller coaster and it seems I haven't had much time to do anything.
My grandpa passed away on July 28, after a long battle with prostate cancer. He was 84, and had lived a full, long life, but it was still hard to say good-bye. I spent the two weeks after his death helping my grandma and mom with things like phone calls to social security, filing life insurance claims and getting thank you's done. In addition to all of that, I had been swamped at work with all the quarterly things that have to be done.
Then last week, just when I thought things would settle down a bit, my father-in-law called. He was frantic because my sister-in-law had just called to say she was having an emergency c-section. She was due on December 1st, so this was shocking news, of course. It seems she had HELLP syndrome, and was very grave. They took the baby to save her life and brought him by air ambulance to the area where DH and I live (they are about 2 hours away). So we rushed to the hospital to be there when the baby got there. We stayed off and on for several days until sister-in-law was feeling better and could get out to visit the baby.
She is doing so much better and baby Andrew is hanging tough. If you are the praying type and can spare a prayer for him and his family, it would be much appreciated. He is one week old tomorrow, but only would be only 25 1/2 weeks gestational age. He has a long, hard road ahead of him, but I feel good about his chances. The doctors and nurses who are caring for him seem to be the best.
So maybe the turmoil around here will settle down eventually...The boys head back to school next week and the new TV season is fast approaching. I'm looking forward to fall.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Fall Premiere Dates!!
Here are the dates for the 2007-2008 fall television premieres, as reported by TV Squad. This list includes all premieres that have been announced to date (new shows are in bold).
Thursday, August 30th
Saturday, September 8th
Tuesday, September 11th
Thursday, September 13th
Friday, September 14th
Saturday, September 15th
Thursday, August 30th
- Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? (FOX)
Saturday, September 8th
- Cops (FOX)
- America's Most Wanted (FOX)
Tuesday, September 11th
- The Biggest Loser (NBC)
Thursday, September 13th
Friday, September 14th
Saturday, September 15th
- MADtv (FOX)
- Talkshow with Spike Feresten (FOX)
Monday, July 30, 2007
For Grandpa
My grandpa was king of the corny poem. He always wrote silly but
very touching poetry. When my oldest son was born, he typed a poem and
framed it and that is something that I treasure to this day. So in his
honor, I wrote this silly little poem about him. I think my brother is
going to read it at the service for me. :)
My grandpa was a great man
He loved us like only a grandpa can
He was sweet, and generous, and he was kind
All the things that, in a grandpa, one should find
His corny jokes always made me laugh
He was always there to take photographs
His camera was always around his neck
He didn't care if you looked a wreck
He showed me how to sneak French fries
So no one would be any more the wise
I remember he always wrote everything down
And sometimes he acted quite the clown
He wrote poems and stories when he could
And he carved us lots of things from wood
He researched all of our family's history
So that when we grew up, it wouldn't be such a mystery
Crossword puzzles were one of his favorite things
And he loved to go garage sale shopping
He had his faults, as all of us do
But he was good at being Grandpa, that much is true
I'll miss him so much now that he's gone
But I'm so glad to know that his suffering is done
My grandpa was a great man
I loved him like only a granddaughter can
Saturday, July 28, 2007
I Just Got the Call
My grandpa passed away a short time ago.
I went with my mom to the hospital today and I am so glad I did. He never knew I was there but I feel better that I went, especially now that he's gone.
Any good thoughts and/or prayers you can send my grandma's way are appreciated. Thanks to all of you who have messaged me with kind words. I really appreciate all of you!
I have the greatest friends - in real life and online. (((hugs))) to all of you.
I went with my mom to the hospital today and I am so glad I did. He never knew I was there but I feel better that I went, especially now that he's gone.
Any good thoughts and/or prayers you can send my grandma's way are appreciated. Thanks to all of you who have messaged me with kind words. I really appreciate all of you!
I have the greatest friends - in real life and online. (((hugs))) to all of you.
Friday, July 27, 2007
I Feel Like I Should Be Doing Something
My grandpa is dying and I feel like I should be doing something, but I don't know what to do.
I can't motivate myself to do anything constructive in the house. I want to go to the hospital and at the same time I don't want to go to the hospital. Mom says he looks terrible and wouldn't even know I was there if I went but I feel a sense of obligation to go. I'm just not sure I can handle it emotionally if I go. I'm the type of person who likes to keep a handle on my emotions. I don't let them show very often. I don't think I could do that if I went up there.
The doctors say he probably won't last until Monday. We're starting to think about funeral arrangements. I need to buy The Pleaser some new dress shoes to wear to the service but I don't really want to tell him why. He knows that his "Peepaw" is very ill and will die soon but I don't want to dwell on it until I have to. He is a very sensitive, kind-hearted kid. This will be very hard on him.
Waiting for the inevitable is so hard. We've known this day would come for at least 2 years, maybe longer. We've expected it to come several times in just the last year alone but he always bounced back. He's a tough guy and a fighter, even though he is soft spoken, small and, now, frail man.
So I just continue to wait...
I can't motivate myself to do anything constructive in the house. I want to go to the hospital and at the same time I don't want to go to the hospital. Mom says he looks terrible and wouldn't even know I was there if I went but I feel a sense of obligation to go. I'm just not sure I can handle it emotionally if I go. I'm the type of person who likes to keep a handle on my emotions. I don't let them show very often. I don't think I could do that if I went up there.
The doctors say he probably won't last until Monday. We're starting to think about funeral arrangements. I need to buy The Pleaser some new dress shoes to wear to the service but I don't really want to tell him why. He knows that his "Peepaw" is very ill and will die soon but I don't want to dwell on it until I have to. He is a very sensitive, kind-hearted kid. This will be very hard on him.
Waiting for the inevitable is so hard. We've known this day would come for at least 2 years, maybe longer. We've expected it to come several times in just the last year alone but he always bounced back. He's a tough guy and a fighter, even though he is soft spoken, small and, now, frail man.
So I just continue to wait...
Harold Perrineau to get LOST again
ABC exec Stephen McPherson was elusive but after being pressed by reporters at Comic Con, he finally revealed that Harold Perrineau has officially rejoined the LOST cast for season four.
So we might actually find out what happened to Michael and Walt after they took off on that boat. And will we see Walt again other than in strange visions? I'm guessing if we do, the writers will have some explaining to do. Like Walt had some radical growth hormone therapy conducted on him by The Others. Have you seen that kid lately? He's had quite a growth spurt since we last saw him on the Island.
So we might actually find out what happened to Michael and Walt after they took off on that boat. And will we see Walt again other than in strange visions? I'm guessing if we do, the writers will have some explaining to do. Like Walt had some radical growth hormone therapy conducted on him by The Others. Have you seen that kid lately? He's had quite a growth spurt since we last saw him on the Island.
'Heroes' Sylar to play Spock in the new Star Trek flick
Yahoo news is reporting that J.J. Abrams has cast Zachary Quinto (our beloved villain, Sylar, from Heroes) as a young Spock in his upcoming Star Trek film. Older Spock will be played by none other than Leonard Nimoy himself. They announced the casting at Comic-Con.
As of yet, the young Captain Kirk has not been cast and J.J. says he's trying to find a way to get William Shatner involved in the project. As well he should, I say. How can you have a Star Trek without Shatner? (I have secret dork love for Mr. Bill.)
As of yet, the young Captain Kirk has not been cast and J.J. says he's trying to find a way to get William Shatner involved in the project. As well he should, I say. How can you have a Star Trek without Shatner? (I have secret dork love for Mr. Bill.)
Monday, July 23, 2007
Random Blogginess
Well I'm here all alone sitting in front of the pc and nobody is on to chat with so I'm going to just randomly ramble a bit.
I'm so happy that Matchbox Twenty has a new song. Have you heard it? Oh of course you have, it's on my MySpace page. YAY!
Do you ever feel like you don't have enough time to do anything, yet you do nothing? Does that even make any sense whatsoever? Probably not but that's how I feel.
My grandpa is very sick and I don't think he's going to make it much longer. I'm so sad about it, but also hope he doesn't have to suffer too much longer. He's fought so hard for so long and he's so tired and weak. He's been so good to me all my life. It will be hard to say goodbye. :(
My babies are back home with me! OK, I know they aren't babies...but anyway they're back home. We picked Danger Boy up over the weekend and on our way back from Sooner-land we got The Pleaser. They were so glad to see each other after 2 weeks apart. Then today they tried to beat the hell out of each other so everything was back to normal. It's OK though. I didn't know what to do with all the quiet around here.
Well now you know what it's like to be in my scrambled brain. Ha!
I'm so happy that Matchbox Twenty has a new song. Have you heard it? Oh of course you have, it's on my MySpace page. YAY!
Do you ever feel like you don't have enough time to do anything, yet you do nothing? Does that even make any sense whatsoever? Probably not but that's how I feel.
My grandpa is very sick and I don't think he's going to make it much longer. I'm so sad about it, but also hope he doesn't have to suffer too much longer. He's fought so hard for so long and he's so tired and weak. He's been so good to me all my life. It will be hard to say goodbye. :(
My babies are back home with me! OK, I know they aren't babies...but anyway they're back home. We picked Danger Boy up over the weekend and on our way back from Sooner-land we got The Pleaser. They were so glad to see each other after 2 weeks apart. Then today they tried to beat the hell out of each other so everything was back to normal. It's OK though. I didn't know what to do with all the quiet around here.
Well now you know what it's like to be in my scrambled brain. Ha!
Drew Carey taking over 'The Price is Right'
They've found Bob Barker's replacement and it's Drew Carey. I love Drew and I think he'll do an awesome job. He'll definitely bring a different style to the show but he's a great comedian and a talented improvisationalist, so he should do fine.
You can read more about it on Yahoo news.
You can read more about it on Yahoo news.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Emmy Nominations are in!!
My thoughts...LOST is missing from Best Drama, but Michael Emerson and Terry O'Quinn get well-deserved nods in the Best Supporting Actor category. And Masi Oka for Heroes. Yay! Lots of Grey's names in the Best Supporting Actress category. I have to root for Chandra Wilson as she is fabulous in her role! Steve Carrell competes with Ricky Gervais in Best Actor in a Comedy. Brilliant! So glad to see Neil Patrick Harris nominated for his role as Barney in How I Met Your Mother. He is legendary in that role. :D That's all I am going to ramble on about for now. Here are the major nominees. To see the rest, visit http://www.emmys.tv
Boston Legal
Grey's Anatomy
The Sopranos
James Gandolfini, The Sopranos
Hugh Laurie, House
Denis Leary, Rescue Me
James Spader, Boston Legal
Kiefer Sutherland, 24
Patricia Arquette, Medium
Minnie Driver, The Riches
Edie Falco, The Sopranos
Sally Field, Brothers & Sisters
Mariska Hargitay, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Kyra Sedgwick, The Closer
Michael Emerson, Lost
Michael Imperioli, The Sopranos
T.R. Knight, Grey's Anatomy
Terry O'Quinn, Lost
Masi Oka, Heroes
William Shatner, Boston Legal
Lorraine Bracco, The Sopranos
Rachel Griffiths, Brothers & Sisters
Katherine Heigl, Grey's Anatomy
Sandra Oh, Grey's Anatomy
Aida Turturro, The Sopranos
Chandra Wilson, Grey's Anatomy
Tim Daly, The Sopranos
Christian Clemenson, Boston Legal
John Goodman, Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip
David Morse, House
Eli Wallach, Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip
Forest Whitaker, ER
Kate Burton, Grey's Anatomy
Leslie Caron, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Marcia Gay Harden, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Elizabeth Reaser, Grey's Anatomy
Jean Smart, 24
The Office
30 Rock
Two and a Half Men
Ugly Betty
Alec Baldwin, 30 Rock
Steve Carell, The Office
Ricky Gervais, Extras
Tony Shalhoub, Monk
Charlie Sheen, Two and a Half Men
America Ferrera, Ugly Betty
Tina Fey, 30 Rock
Felicity Huffman, Desperate Housewives
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, The New Adventures of Old Christine
Mary-Louise Parker, Weeds
Jon Cryer, Two and a Half Men
Kevin Dillon, Entourage
Neil Patrick Harris, How I Met Your Mother
Jeremy Piven, Entourage
Rainn Wilson, The Office
Conchata Ferrell, Two and a Half Men
Jenna Fischer, The Office
Elizabeth Perkins, Weeds
Jaime Pressly, My Name Is Earl
Holland Taylor, Two and a Half Men
Vanessa Williams, Ugly Betty
Beau Bridges, My Name Is Earl
Martin Landau, Entourage
Sir Ian McKellen, Extras
Giovanni Ribisi, My Name Is Earl
Stanley Tucci, Monk
Dixie Carter, Desperate Housewives
Salma Hayek, Ugly Betty
Judith Light, Ugly Betty
Laurie Metcalf, Desperate Housewives
Elaine Stritch, 30 Rock
The Amazing Race
American Idol
Dancing With The Stars
Project Runway
Top Chef
The Colbert Report
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
Late Night With Conan O?Brien
Late Show With David Letterman
Real Time With Bill Maher
The Comedy Central Roast of William Shatner
The Kennedy Center Honors: A National Celebration Of The Performing Arts
Lewis Black: Red, White & Screwed
Tony Bennett: An American Classic
A Tribute To James Taylor (Great Performances)
Wanda Sykes: Sick And Tired
Broken Trail
Prime Suspect: The Final Act
The Starter Wife
Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee
Inside The Twin Towers
The Ron Clark Story
Why I Wore Lipstick To My Mastectomy
Jim Broadbent, Longford
Robert Duvall, Broken Trail
William H. Macy, Nightmares & Dreamscapes: From The Stories Of Stephen King
Matthew Perry , The Ron Clark Story
Tom Selleck, Jesse Stone: Sea Change
Queen Latifah , Life Support
Debra Messing, The Starter Wife
Helen Mirren, Prime Suspect: The Final Act
Mary-Louise Parker, The Robber Bride
Gena Rowlands, What If God Were The Sun
Edward Asner, The Christmas Card
Thomas Haden Church, Broken Trail
Joe Mantegna, The Starter Wife
Aidan Quinn, Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee
August Schellenberg, Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee
Toni Collette, Tsunami, The Aftermath
Judy Davis, The Starter Wife
Samantha Morton, Longford
Anna Paquin, Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee
Greta Scacchi, Broken Trail
Antiques Roadshow
Dog Whisperer With Cesar Millan
Extreme Makeover Home Edition
Kathy Griffin: My Life On The D-List
Penn & Teller: Bull----!
www.451press.com - blogs on every topic
Boston Legal
Grey's Anatomy
The Sopranos
James Gandolfini, The Sopranos
Hugh Laurie, House
Denis Leary, Rescue Me
James Spader, Boston Legal
Kiefer Sutherland, 24
Patricia Arquette, Medium
Minnie Driver, The Riches
Edie Falco, The Sopranos
Sally Field, Brothers & Sisters
Mariska Hargitay, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Kyra Sedgwick, The Closer
Michael Emerson, Lost
Michael Imperioli, The Sopranos
T.R. Knight, Grey's Anatomy
Terry O'Quinn, Lost
Masi Oka, Heroes
William Shatner, Boston Legal
Lorraine Bracco, The Sopranos
Rachel Griffiths, Brothers & Sisters
Katherine Heigl, Grey's Anatomy
Sandra Oh, Grey's Anatomy
Aida Turturro, The Sopranos
Chandra Wilson, Grey's Anatomy
Tim Daly, The Sopranos
Christian Clemenson, Boston Legal
John Goodman, Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip
David Morse, House
Eli Wallach, Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip
Forest Whitaker, ER
Kate Burton, Grey's Anatomy
Leslie Caron, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Marcia Gay Harden, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Elizabeth Reaser, Grey's Anatomy
Jean Smart, 24
The Office
30 Rock
Two and a Half Men
Ugly Betty
Alec Baldwin, 30 Rock
Steve Carell, The Office
Ricky Gervais, Extras
Tony Shalhoub, Monk
Charlie Sheen, Two and a Half Men
America Ferrera, Ugly Betty
Tina Fey, 30 Rock
Felicity Huffman, Desperate Housewives
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, The New Adventures of Old Christine
Mary-Louise Parker, Weeds
Jon Cryer, Two and a Half Men
Kevin Dillon, Entourage
Neil Patrick Harris, How I Met Your Mother
Jeremy Piven, Entourage
Rainn Wilson, The Office
Conchata Ferrell, Two and a Half Men
Jenna Fischer, The Office
Elizabeth Perkins, Weeds
Jaime Pressly, My Name Is Earl
Holland Taylor, Two and a Half Men
Vanessa Williams, Ugly Betty
Beau Bridges, My Name Is Earl
Martin Landau, Entourage
Sir Ian McKellen, Extras
Giovanni Ribisi, My Name Is Earl
Stanley Tucci, Monk
Dixie Carter, Desperate Housewives
Salma Hayek, Ugly Betty
Judith Light, Ugly Betty
Laurie Metcalf, Desperate Housewives
Elaine Stritch, 30 Rock
The Amazing Race
American Idol
Dancing With The Stars
Project Runway
Top Chef
The Colbert Report
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
Late Night With Conan O?Brien
Late Show With David Letterman
Real Time With Bill Maher
The Comedy Central Roast of William Shatner
The Kennedy Center Honors: A National Celebration Of The Performing Arts
Lewis Black: Red, White & Screwed
Tony Bennett: An American Classic
A Tribute To James Taylor (Great Performances)
Wanda Sykes: Sick And Tired
Broken Trail
Prime Suspect: The Final Act
The Starter Wife
Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee
Inside The Twin Towers
The Ron Clark Story
Why I Wore Lipstick To My Mastectomy
Jim Broadbent, Longford
Robert Duvall, Broken Trail
William H. Macy, Nightmares & Dreamscapes: From The Stories Of Stephen King
Matthew Perry , The Ron Clark Story
Tom Selleck, Jesse Stone: Sea Change
Queen Latifah , Life Support
Debra Messing, The Starter Wife
Helen Mirren, Prime Suspect: The Final Act
Mary-Louise Parker, The Robber Bride
Gena Rowlands, What If God Were The Sun
Edward Asner, The Christmas Card
Thomas Haden Church, Broken Trail
Joe Mantegna, The Starter Wife
Aidan Quinn, Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee
August Schellenberg, Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee
Toni Collette, Tsunami, The Aftermath
Judy Davis, The Starter Wife
Samantha Morton, Longford
Anna Paquin, Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee
Greta Scacchi, Broken Trail
Antiques Roadshow
Dog Whisperer With Cesar Millan
Extreme Makeover Home Edition
Kathy Griffin: My Life On The D-List
Penn & Teller: Bull----!
www.451press.com - blogs on every topic
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Isaiah found another job
Well, that was fast. Isaiah Washington has signed to star in 5 episodes of the new Bionic Woman for NBC. I had this one on my list to watch next fall but this turns me off a little. I guess I'll give it a shot and see how it goes.
NBC may also be developing a "non-action" series with Washington.
You can read more about it at Yahoo News.
www.451press.com - blogs on every topic
NBC may also be developing a "non-action" series with Washington.
"He's a wonderful actor and a great performer, and he became available," said NBC's new chief programmer, Ben Silverman, who was installed as the network's co-chairman of entertainment in late May with Marc Graboff.
Graboff called the decision to cast Washington in one of NBC's most high-profile new series "a second chance," saying he was confident the actor had "learned his lessons about the way he acts around his fellow actors and the public."
"He knows he came this close to losing his career," Graboff added.
You can read more about it at Yahoo News.
www.451press.com - blogs on every topic
Monday, July 16, 2007
Farscape & Galactica Fans, Good News
For my friend Jenn, I had to blog about this. :)
Sci-Fi is reviving "Farscape," which originally ran from 1999 to 2003, as a 10-part series on SciFi.com. "Farscape" is one of three new broadband-only series being introduced by the Sci-Fi network.
"Farscape" star Ben Browder and producer Andrew Prowse are also developing a six-hour miniseries for Sci-Fi inspired by "The Odyssey," titled "Going Homer."
Sci-Fi is extending its "Battlestar Galactica" franchise with a series of "minisodes," each just a few minutes long, set to unspool in October, leading up to a full-length special episode, "Razor," on November 24. The minisodes, which depict the original Cylon war, will be packaged with a DVD release of "Razor" and be made available on SciFi.com after their on-air run.
www.451press.com - blogs on every topic
Sci-Fi is reviving "Farscape," which originally ran from 1999 to 2003, as a 10-part series on SciFi.com. "Farscape" is one of three new broadband-only series being introduced by the Sci-Fi network.
"Farscape" star Ben Browder and producer Andrew Prowse are also developing a six-hour miniseries for Sci-Fi inspired by "The Odyssey," titled "Going Homer."
Sci-Fi is extending its "Battlestar Galactica" franchise with a series of "minisodes," each just a few minutes long, set to unspool in October, leading up to a full-length special episode, "Razor," on November 24. The minisodes, which depict the original Cylon war, will be packaged with a DVD release of "Razor" and be made available on SciFi.com after their on-air run.
www.451press.com - blogs on every topic
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Heaven Help Us All - Tori Spelling is a Minister
Yes, folks it's true. Tori Spelling is now an ordained minister.
"I am now officially ordained," Spelling, 34, writes on her MySpace blog. "Yep, that's right – Reverend Tori Spelling! I did it last week online and my official certificate is in the mail."
She even officiated a ceremony at Chateau La Rue, the bed and breakfast she runs with husband Dean McDermott for their Oxygen reality show Tori & Dean Inn Love.
www.451press.com - blogs on every topic
"I am now officially ordained," Spelling, 34, writes on her MySpace blog. "Yep, that's right – Reverend Tori Spelling! I did it last week online and my official certificate is in the mail."
She even officiated a ceremony at Chateau La Rue, the bed and breakfast she runs with husband Dean McDermott for their Oxygen reality show Tori & Dean Inn Love.
www.451press.com - blogs on every topic
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Eva Longoria and Tony Parker Tie the Knot
It's official, Desperate Housewives' Eva Longoria and San Antonio Spurs star Tony Parker got married over the weekend...twice. They were married in France so, by law, they had to marry in a civil ceremony before their church wedding. Thursday they went before a judge, but the main event was Saturday. They joined countless couples in celebrating 7/7/07 - presumably the luckiest day of the century. We'll see if that luck holds true for this celebrity couple! If anyone needs luck in marriage, it's celebrities.
www.451press.com - blogs on every topic
www.451press.com - blogs on every topic
Thursday, July 5, 2007
TV Guide's list of the Top 30 Cult Shows of all time
TV Guide has put together their list of the Top 30 Cult Shows of All Time. See if you agree. Heroes is noticeably absent.
30 - Strangers with Candy (1999-2000)
29 - Abolutely Fabulous (1994-2003)
28 - Stargate SG-1 (1997-2007)
27 - H.R. Pufnstuf (1969-1971)
26 - Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman (1975-1978)
25 - Firefly (2002-2003)
24 - Twin Peaks (1990-1991)
23 - Dark Shadows (1966-1971)
22 - Doctor Who (1963-present)
21 - Freaks and Geeks (1999-2000)
20 - The Avengers (1966-1969)
19 - Quantum Leap (1989-1993)
18 - Veronica Mars (2004-2007)
17 - Beauty and the Beast (1987-1990)
16 - Babylon 5 (1994-1998)
15 - Family Guy (1999-present)
14 - Battlestar Galactica (2003-present)
13 - Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1989-1999)
12 - Jericho (2006-present)
10 - Xena: Warrior Princess (1995-2001)
9 - Twilight Zone (1959-1964)
8 - The Simpsons (1989-present))
7 - The Prisoner (1967-1968)
6 - Monty Python’s Flying Circus (1969-1974)
5 - Lost (2004-present)
4 - Farscape (1999-2003)
3 - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-2003)
2 - The X-Files (1993-2002)
1 - Star Trek (1966-1969)
For blogs on every topic, check out 451 Press.
30 - Strangers with Candy (1999-2000)
29 - Abolutely Fabulous (1994-2003)
28 - Stargate SG-1 (1997-2007)
27 - H.R. Pufnstuf (1969-1971)
26 - Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman (1975-1978)
25 - Firefly (2002-2003)
24 - Twin Peaks (1990-1991)
23 - Dark Shadows (1966-1971)
22 - Doctor Who (1963-present)
21 - Freaks and Geeks (1999-2000)
20 - The Avengers (1966-1969)
19 - Quantum Leap (1989-1993)
18 - Veronica Mars (2004-2007)
17 - Beauty and the Beast (1987-1990)
16 - Babylon 5 (1994-1998)
15 - Family Guy (1999-present)
14 - Battlestar Galactica (2003-present)
13 - Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1989-1999)
12 - Jericho (2006-present)
10 - Xena: Warrior Princess (1995-2001)
9 - Twilight Zone (1959-1964)
8 - The Simpsons (1989-present))
7 - The Prisoner (1967-1968)
6 - Monty Python’s Flying Circus (1969-1974)
5 - Lost (2004-present)
4 - Farscape (1999-2003)
3 - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-2003)
2 - The X-Files (1993-2002)
1 - Star Trek (1966-1969)
For blogs on every topic, check out 451 Press.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Sneak Peek at Grey's Anatomy Season 3 DVD
Releasing on Septemember 11, the Grey's Anatomy Season 3 DVD will include 7 discs and loads of special features. So far, the rumored special features include:
Four Un-cut, Extended Episodes
A One-on-One with Ellen Pompeo
"Making Rounds with Patrick Dempsey" - Join McDreamy on the race track for his favorite hobby
"Good Medicine" - Cast and crew share their favorite scenes
"Prescription for Success" - A look at how a new character is created
Audio Commentaries
Ellen and Patrick were noticably absent from the special features on the Season 2 DVD, so it will be nice to see them on this set. This is another must-have for my collection. Pre-order it from Amazon.com for yours today!
Blogs on every topic - www.451press.com
Monday, July 2, 2007
Today's the Day
The day I start exercising again, that is. I've been slacking the
last 2-3 months. Phone Guy being off work, the kids being home and weird
schedules have totally thrown me off. But I am determined not to gain
back all of the weight I worked so hard to lose. So it's back to the
grind today. I'm going to start out slow with Leslie Sansone and
hopefully work my way up to The Firm workouts I bought a few months
Oh and I guess I better quit eating all that cinnamon bread and chocolate chip cookies too.
Oh and I guess I better quit eating all that cinnamon bread and chocolate chip cookies too.
Grey's spinoff already doing the cast-shuffle
I actually liked Merrin Dungey, but I already liked her from The King of Queens. I don't think it's a good sign if they're moving things around before they get started. From Access Hollywood:
LOS ANGELES, Calif. (June 29, 2007) -- A single episode has yet to air (well, at least not on its own), but that hasn't stopped producers of the "Grey's Anatomy" spin-off from shuffling the cast.
According to TVGuide.com's Michael Ausiello, Kate Walsh's "Private Practice" co-star Merrin Dungey (pictured, middle) has been shown the door in favor of Audra McDonald in the role of Dr. Naomi Bennet. McDonald, although not well-known in Hollywood, is a 4-time Tony winner, currently starring in the revival of "110 In The Shade." She starred opposite P.Diddy in last year's Broadway revival of "A Raisin In The Sun."
ABC confirmed the news with Access Hollywood when contacted.
The decision was reportedly made for creative reasons. Earlier this month, there were rumblings some of the actors didn't "pop" with the audience, Ausiello reports.
All indications suggest Dr. Bennet will be an integral part of the cast as Addison Montgomery's confidante and the ex-wife of Taye Diggs' character.
McDonald's credits include "Kidnapped" and "The Bedford Diaries," where she played Professor Carla Bonatelle.
According to Ausiello, no further casting changes are expected to be made before the show begins production next month.
www.451press.com - blogs on every topic
LOS ANGELES, Calif. (June 29, 2007) -- A single episode has yet to air (well, at least not on its own), but that hasn't stopped producers of the "Grey's Anatomy" spin-off from shuffling the cast.
According to TVGuide.com's Michael Ausiello, Kate Walsh's "Private Practice" co-star Merrin Dungey (pictured, middle) has been shown the door in favor of Audra McDonald in the role of Dr. Naomi Bennet. McDonald, although not well-known in Hollywood, is a 4-time Tony winner, currently starring in the revival of "110 In The Shade." She starred opposite P.Diddy in last year's Broadway revival of "A Raisin In The Sun."
ABC confirmed the news with Access Hollywood when contacted.
The decision was reportedly made for creative reasons. Earlier this month, there were rumblings some of the actors didn't "pop" with the audience, Ausiello reports.
All indications suggest Dr. Bennet will be an integral part of the cast as Addison Montgomery's confidante and the ex-wife of Taye Diggs' character.
McDonald's credits include "Kidnapped" and "The Bedford Diaries," where she played Professor Carla Bonatelle.
According to Ausiello, no further casting changes are expected to be made before the show begins production next month.
www.451press.com - blogs on every topic
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Dreading This Week
Phone Guy goes back to work on Monday. That, I am happy about. Lord
knows we can use the money but it will be an adjustment getting back on
the schedule.
The Pleaser gets his braces on Tuesday. There goes another $100 a month down the drain.
We're going to an Independence Day celebration on Tuesday at my Grandparents' assisted living facility. I'm sure the kids will have fun, but Grandpa isn't doing very well so it will be a bittersweet visit.
Then on Wednesday, The Pleaser leaves to spend a month with his dad. :( I hate having to send him. I miss him like crazy when he's gone. I don't think my 4th of July will be very happy.
Wish me luck on making it through the week.
The Pleaser gets his braces on Tuesday. There goes another $100 a month down the drain.
We're going to an Independence Day celebration on Tuesday at my Grandparents' assisted living facility. I'm sure the kids will have fun, but Grandpa isn't doing very well so it will be a bittersweet visit.
Then on Wednesday, The Pleaser leaves to spend a month with his dad. :( I hate having to send him. I miss him like crazy when he's gone. I don't think my 4th of July will be very happy.
Wish me luck on making it through the week.
Is the Green Arrow coming back to Smallville?
Looks like it! Justin Hartley's official website has the following info posted:
Hartley Does Double Duty For The CW
Justin Hartley joins the cast of CW's mid-season replacement series, "Eight Days A Week" opposite Christina Milan and Mario Lopez produced by Sean Hayes. Hartley, who will play the role of 'Ben,' will also continue his role on as the 'Green Arrow'/Oliver Queen' on CW's "SMALLVILLE." Congratulations Justin!
Let's hope it's true! He was the best new character to come to Smallville in a long time.
Hartley Does Double Duty For The CW
Justin Hartley joins the cast of CW's mid-season replacement series, "Eight Days A Week" opposite Christina Milan and Mario Lopez produced by Sean Hayes. Hartley, who will play the role of 'Ben,' will also continue his role on as the 'Green Arrow'/Oliver Queen' on CW's "SMALLVILLE." Congratulations Justin!
Let's hope it's true! He was the best new character to come to Smallville in a long time.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
LOST's Matthew Fox to Star in 'Speed Racer' Movie
I'm so psyched about this. I love Speed Racer. In fact, as a child, I had a crush on Speed Racer. I know you're thinking, Speed Racer is a Cartoon. So what? Speed was awesome and handsome and such a great guy.
So anyway, the Wackowski Brothers (of The Matrix fame), are making a live-action version of the classic cartoon and, as I understand it, are remaining impossibly faithful to the look and story of the original. Foxxy will be starring as the mysterious Racer X.
The film began shooting this month and is expected to keep Matthew Fox busy right up to the beginning of shooting for LOST Season Four.
Check out this video featuring an unveiling of the right-on-the-money Mach 5 and snippets of cast interviews:
Nod to The Tail Section for the story.
So anyway, the Wackowski Brothers (of The Matrix fame), are making a live-action version of the classic cartoon and, as I understand it, are remaining impossibly faithful to the look and story of the original. Foxxy will be starring as the mysterious Racer X.
The film began shooting this month and is expected to keep Matthew Fox busy right up to the beginning of shooting for LOST Season Four.
Check out this video featuring an unveiling of the right-on-the-money Mach 5 and snippets of cast interviews:
Nod to The Tail Section for the story.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Smallville Season 6 DVD Cover Art

This wasn't available when I posted about the DVD before, but I thought it was worth another post. Clark is looking all grown up and very foxxy here (as well he should since Tom Welling recently celebrated his 30th birthday). You also get a little sexy Lex and, unfortunately, a little Lana in the background.
This will make a nice addition to my collection!
Nods to Kryptonsite and Amazon.com!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Ex-'Grey's' star cites racism for firing
Did I call it, or did I call it? I said he would scream racism if given the chance. I have two words for Isaiah Washington: Shut Up!
Here's the story from Yahoo News:
LOS ANGELES - "Grey's Anatomy" star Isaiah Washington said racism was a factor in his firing from the hit ABC series after he twice used an anti-gay slur.
Washington, who initially used the epithet during an onset clash with a co-star, told Newsweek magazine that "someone heard the booming voice of a black man and got really scared and that was the beginning of the end for me."
He tried to make amends by expressing remorse and volunteering to enter a counseling program to understand how the confrontation got out of hand, he told Newsweek.
"My mistake was believing that I would get the support from my network and all of my cast mates across the board. My mistake was believing I could correct a wrong with honesty and sincerity," he said in the interview posted online Thursday.
"My mistake was thinking black people get second chances. I was wrong on all fronts," he said. His unwillingness to act like a submissive black at work was part of the problem, Washington said.
"Well, it didn't help me on the set that I was a black man who wasn't a mush-mouth Negro walking around with his head in his hands all the time. I didn't speak like I'd just left the plantation and that can be a problem for people sometime," he said.
"I had a person in human resources tell me after this thing played out that `some people' were afraid of me around the studio. I asked her why, because I'm a 6-foot-1, black man with dark skin and who doesn't go around saying `Yessah, massa sir' and `No sir, massa' to everyone?
"It's nuts when your presence alone can just scare people, and that made me a prime candidate to take the heat in a dysfunctional family," he said.
ABC declined comment Thursday. In its one public statement regarding Washington, issued in January, the network said his actions were "unacceptable."
Washington, who used the slur against co-star T.R. Knight during a confrontation with Patrick Dempsey, repeated the word backstage at the Golden Globes in January in denying the first incident. A public apology to Knight and others followed.
Here's the story from Yahoo News:
LOS ANGELES - "Grey's Anatomy" star Isaiah Washington said racism was a factor in his firing from the hit ABC series after he twice used an anti-gay slur.
Washington, who initially used the epithet during an onset clash with a co-star, told Newsweek magazine that "someone heard the booming voice of a black man and got really scared and that was the beginning of the end for me."
He tried to make amends by expressing remorse and volunteering to enter a counseling program to understand how the confrontation got out of hand, he told Newsweek.
"My mistake was believing that I would get the support from my network and all of my cast mates across the board. My mistake was believing I could correct a wrong with honesty and sincerity," he said in the interview posted online Thursday.
"My mistake was thinking black people get second chances. I was wrong on all fronts," he said. His unwillingness to act like a submissive black at work was part of the problem, Washington said.
"Well, it didn't help me on the set that I was a black man who wasn't a mush-mouth Negro walking around with his head in his hands all the time. I didn't speak like I'd just left the plantation and that can be a problem for people sometime," he said.
"I had a person in human resources tell me after this thing played out that `some people' were afraid of me around the studio. I asked her why, because I'm a 6-foot-1, black man with dark skin and who doesn't go around saying `Yessah, massa sir' and `No sir, massa' to everyone?
"It's nuts when your presence alone can just scare people, and that made me a prime candidate to take the heat in a dysfunctional family," he said.
ABC declined comment Thursday. In its one public statement regarding Washington, issued in January, the network said his actions were "unacceptable."
Washington, who used the slur against co-star T.R. Knight during a confrontation with Patrick Dempsey, repeated the word backstage at the Golden Globes in January in denying the first incident. A public apology to Knight and others followed.
ABC renews 'According to Jim' after all
I am happy to report that ABC has given a last-minute reprieve to one of the only family-friendly sitcoms left on TV. "According to Jim" is one of the few programs that I feel I can sit with my kids and watch. I remember when I was a kid, sitting and watching prime-time with my parents and you just can't do that today. These days, the networks feel pressured to push the limits with shows like "2 1/2 Men" in order to compete with cable. I love "2 1/2 Men" as much as the next guy but it's definitely not suitable for little guys. To find anything safe for the kids, you have to put them in front of the Disney Channel, and let's face it, most of what they show is not at all appealing to people over 12. So I give kudos to ABC for bringing it back!
You can read more about "Jim's" repreive here.
You can read more about "Jim's" repreive here.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Grey's + TV Land = Classic Parody
This is from last year's TV Land awards, but if you're a TV fan, it's a must-watch. It's chocked full of classic tv doctors with a little surprise at the end. So if you haven't seen it (or even if you have), take a minute and watch it. It's sure to give you a chuckle:
Monday, June 25, 2007
Need a Heroes Fix?
Go to NBC.com and watch some behind-the-scenes "webisodes". There are 4 up right now: Stunts, Wardrobe, The Score and Visual Effects. OK, I know it's not the same as a real episode but I'll take what I can get over the hiatus.
And good news - the cast is back at work filming new episodes! Come on September!!
And good news - the cast is back at work filming new episodes! Come on September!!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
I Can Tell It's Summer
Seems like every summer I have to become my mother (and if you know my mother, you know what I mean.).
For example: Today, my kids are playing in the back yard. My dogs are going nuts barking and one of the boys comes running in to tell me he needs to go see what is going on in the front. Well it seems a couple of boys (one of whom I have already had to tell not to just walk in my house uninvited) were wanting my boys to come to the front yard. He didn't like that the dogs were barking at him so he THREW HIS SHOE over my fence at my dog.
I went out back and could not find his shoe anywhere. We searched and searched and then I had a thought...and I was right. My dog had it chewing on it. This gave me quite a delight.
So The Pleaser grabbed up the shoe and we went out to the front yard. I told the boys 1) not to throw things over my fence, 2) not to throw things at my dog and 3) if they did throw anything else over my fence or at my dog, their mom or dad would have to come and get it because I was not giving it back to them.
So the boy sheepishly took the shoe from me and slid his foot into the dog-slobber-soaked footwear and went on his way. And once again...I am the neighborhood bitch. Thank you....thank you very much.
For example: Today, my kids are playing in the back yard. My dogs are going nuts barking and one of the boys comes running in to tell me he needs to go see what is going on in the front. Well it seems a couple of boys (one of whom I have already had to tell not to just walk in my house uninvited) were wanting my boys to come to the front yard. He didn't like that the dogs were barking at him so he THREW HIS SHOE over my fence at my dog.
I went out back and could not find his shoe anywhere. We searched and searched and then I had a thought...and I was right. My dog had it chewing on it. This gave me quite a delight.
So The Pleaser grabbed up the shoe and we went out to the front yard. I told the boys 1) not to throw things over my fence, 2) not to throw things at my dog and 3) if they did throw anything else over my fence or at my dog, their mom or dad would have to come and get it because I was not giving it back to them.
So the boy sheepishly took the shoe from me and slid his foot into the dog-slobber-soaked footwear and went on his way. And once again...I am the neighborhood bitch. Thank you....thank you very much.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
No LOST DVD until December 11?
Rumor is that it will have 3 bonus discs with extra features including something for fans to "pass the time" with. Ooooh. I can't wait to find out what it is!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
So Isaiah Washington...yeah
So he didn't get renewed. Is anyone really surprised? He's probably lucky the network let him finish out the contract he had. Networks don't put up with that crap.
Personally, I don't think what he said was worth getting fired over if it was a one-time thing said out of frustration. Everybody has a bad day. However, I think the way he handled it was out of line.
I also think if the situation had been reversed, and someone had used a derogatory remark toward him, he would have been the one screaming and throwing a fit about getting that person fired. I think T.R. Knight handled things very professionally and I have a lot of respect for him. Isaiah lost my respect after the Golden Globes.
I won't miss him. I'll look forward to some new doctors on Grey's this season to freshen up the storylines.
Personally, I don't think what he said was worth getting fired over if it was a one-time thing said out of frustration. Everybody has a bad day. However, I think the way he handled it was out of line.
I also think if the situation had been reversed, and someone had used a derogatory remark toward him, he would have been the one screaming and throwing a fit about getting that person fired. I think T.R. Knight handled things very professionally and I have a lot of respect for him. Isaiah lost my respect after the Golden Globes.
I won't miss him. I'll look forward to some new doctors on Grey's this season to freshen up the storylines.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Can't wait for Heroes on DVD
I was just reading at Herosite.net that the Heroes Season 1 DVD comes out August 28. I cannot wait! It sounds like this set is going to have some great special features too!
- Audio Commentaries
- 73-minute Original Pilot with optional commentary
- 50 Deleted Scenes
- Behind-The-Scenes Featurettes on The Making Of Heroes, Special Effects, Stunts, Tim Sale, and The Score
- "Minder Reader" (game I suppose)
- Character Connections
- Picture-in-Picture
- Genetic Abilities
- Helix Revealed
I am so ready to rewatch this season already. I wish it was coming out sooner so I could rewatch all summer long. :)
Monday, May 28, 2007
Too much money, too few brains
Raise your hand if you're tired of hearing about Lindsay Lohan. Yeah.
Still one of my all-time faves - Moonlighting

Moonlighting is probably my all-time favorite show. When I was a teen, I never missed a Tuesday night. I remember my French teacher was a big fan too and every Tuesday morning when I walked into her class, we'd look at each other and say, "It's Moonlighting night!". Of course, the 3rd season was filled with turmoil...cast fighting, Bruce Willis' broken collar bone, Cybill Shepherd's pregnancy and other production delays...which led to rerun after frustrating rerun.
The DVD lets you forget about all that though (except when they remind you in classic tongue-in-cheek Moonlighting fashion) and watch all 15 episodes from start to finish with no reruns! There are some classics - Atomic Shakespeare, Big Man on Mulberry Street, Mark Harmon as Sam Crawford (I had forgotten how totally hot he was back then!) and of course, I Am Curious...Maddie where David & Maddie finally get together. There is also a great interview with Glenn Caron, Bruce Willis and Cybill Shepherd all in the same room! Greatness!
So I recommend you pick up or rent all of the Moonlighting DVD's. It's a great, timeless story - if you can get past the shoulder pads and 80's hair. Check it out!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Smallville Season 6 on DVD September 11!

Season 6 had it's share of Lana's hospital visits and Clark's whining but we also got some awesome moments like the Justice League, lots of Green Arrow-ness and a spectacular finale (even if there is no way Lana really blew up!)
According to Kryptonsite the DVD, which comes out September 11, will include some extras:
Ultimate Fan featurette - Fans sent in videos and some were chosen to be interviewed on the actual DVD set, which also includes interviews with cast and crew talking about their experiences with the fandom.
Green Arrow documentary - Justin Hartley made his Green debut this year. This DVD extra has interviews with people who have made their own mark on the world's greatest emerald archer, including Kevin Smith, Denny O'Neil, Neal Adams, and more.
There is some mention of deleted scenes being included in the press release posted on TV Shows on DVD as well.
You can pre-order your copy at Amazon.com today!
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Can I survive summer hiatus?
So this past Wednesday marked the end of the TV season for me. The last of my shows ended for the summer, leaving me feeling empty. What will I do weeknights for the next four months!? How will I go on without my stories every week? I seem to manage every year. Maybe my house will be a little cleaner. Maybe my kids will feel a little more loved. Maybe my husband will get some quality time. Maybe I'll do all those projects I've been putting off. Yeah.
Or...I could watch the entire season of The Office that's been sitting on my DVR all year. And I could rewatch the breathtaking LOST season finale a few more times. And I could scour the internet looking for start dates of my favorite shows and hints to what next season will entail. And I could spend lots more time making avatars to post on here.
I think I'll survive the summer after all.
Or...I could watch the entire season of The Office that's been sitting on my DVR all year. And I could rewatch the breathtaking LOST season finale a few more times. And I could scour the internet looking for start dates of my favorite shows and hints to what next season will entail. And I could spend lots more time making avatars to post on here.
I think I'll survive the summer after all.
Friday, May 25, 2007
LOST Icons - "Through the Looking Glass"
Thursday, May 24, 2007
LOST Icons - Season 3
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