Monday, July 30, 2007

For Grandpa

My grandpa was king of the corny poem.  He always wrote silly but very touching poetry.  When my oldest son was born, he typed a poem and framed it and that is something that I treasure to this day.  So in his honor, I wrote this silly little poem about him.  I think my brother is going to read it at the service for me.  :)

My grandpa was a great man
He loved us like only a grandpa can

He was sweet, and generous, and he was kind
All the things that, in a grandpa, one should find

His corny jokes always made me laugh
He was always there to take photographs

His camera was always around his neck
He didn't care if you looked a wreck

He showed me how to sneak French fries
So no one would be any more the wise

I remember he always wrote everything down
And sometimes he acted quite the clown

He wrote poems and stories when he could
And he carved us lots of things from wood

He researched all of our family's history
So that when we grew up, it wouldn't be such a mystery

Crossword puzzles were one of his favorite things
And he loved to go garage sale shopping

He had his faults, as all of us do
But he was good at being Grandpa, that much is true

I'll miss him so much now that he's gone
But I'm so glad to know that his suffering is done

My grandpa was a great man
I loved him like only a granddaughter can

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