Sunday, March 26, 2006

Friday and Saturday I made 20 minutes / 1/2 mile on the ol' treadmill.  A real accomplishment considering Monday I could only do 5. I took today off but will start back up in the morning.  I didn't lose any weight this week though.    So after 3 full weeks of dieting I have lost 5 lbs. total.  Kind of discouraging but I'm still plugging along. 
In other news, I had a kid free day from about 4:00pm Saturday until about 4:30pm today.  Brian and I hit the sports bar for trivia and appetizers.  We were going to go out to a bar and hear a band we like but decided we would go rent some stupid movies and come back home.  So we watched the Dukes of Hazzard movie (which I give 2 thumbs down) and I fell asleep before it was over.  Partay-animal!     We spent the morning being lazy, went to lunch and came home to do laundry and chores without any interruptions from fighting, whiny children.  It was heaven.  But I was glad to get them back home this evening. 
Of course it wouldn't be complete without some small tragedy....They spent the day outside helping Nanny & Papa plant flowers and peppers and now Daniel's eye has almost swollen we are doing the benadryl, patanol, cold compress thing as I speak.  This happens to him at least once every spring.  But Daniel thinks it's cool.  He told me he looks like Mad-eye Moody from Harry Potter. 

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