Thursday, July 24, 2008

Irrational Fears

Danger Boy is your typical boy. He likes to get dirty, has to be constantly reminded about personal hygiene, doesn't really care for showers and he plays with bugs. Ladybugs, rolie polie's, beetles, butterflies - he has always seemed to like them all. Until today.

This hot, dry time of year always drives a few cockroaches into the house. I'm sure they are seeking water. I hate them as much as the next gal, but they don't scare me. Annoy me, YES! But they don't scare me.

So today, as Danger Boy was getting his gear ready for Karate, he starts screaming and runs down the hall because he saw a roach in his room. I was annoyed by his behavior and told him to get back in his room and get his gear so we could go. He absolutely refused, which made me even madder. So good mom that I am, I forced him down the hall and into his room and he proceeded to have the biggest near panic attack, crying episode I have ever seen. I thought I was going to have to call the psychiatric hospital to come get him. It was absolutely insane. And it was just ticking me off. I guess I should have felt compassion for him, and if it had been a spider or a hornet or a snake, I probably would have. Hell, I might have joined him. But as it was, a harmless (though disgusting) cockroach, it annoyed me to no end.

Phone Guy found the creature and disposed of it. I finally got him to calm down and get his gear and we headed to class. We no sooner than got started down the road when his headband brushed against his neck and he freaked out in the car....and I mean FREAKED OUT! I went on to Karate and he was fine there but as soon as we got home, I asked him to take a shower and he was walking on tiptoes through the house because he was afraid one would get on his feet. He didn't want to go in the bathroom because he was afraid there was one in there. He was completely looney toons about it. Even at bedtime he was still talking about them and looking nervously around the room at the walls and ceiling.

I guess I'm wrong to be annoyed and I should comfort him and coddle him but it just makes no sense to me. Do your kids have irrational fears like that? Did they come on suddenly? Am I a loser mom for being annoyed? (Wait, don't answer that last one...)

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