Saturday, August 30, 2008

Lifestyle Changes

I visited my doctor last week and had some bloodwork done. My cholesterol is way too high and in addition to that, I have gained back almost all of the weight that I lost 2 years ago.

My doctor sat me down and explained to me that I needed to make some serious changes for my health. I have a history of heart disease and diabetes in my family so I really need to take care of myself.

My biggest obstacle in all of this is my family. The Pleaser is an extremely picky eater and Phone Guy eats the most unhealthy diet you have ever seen. He thinks three of the four food groups are Bacon, Salt, Cheese. In the 10 years since Phone Guy and I got married I have gained sooooo much weight. He doesn't seem to mind...but it's unhealthy and I feel so bad about myself because of it.

My report from the doctor must have scared Phone Guy though because he has really been trying to help me eat better. We shopped for groceries together yesterday and chose some alternative foods like ground turkey instead of ground beef. He said he's willing to do this and support me the best he can.

I also got some great support from my best friend. She is also trying to lose some weight, though hers is post-baby weight. She and I have made a standing date to walk together twice a week and she has offered up her ear and shoulder for anytime I need some support.

I have 3 months before I go back to the doctor and I want to stun him with how well I have done. I need to do this for me and for my family. I can't stand the thought of not being around for my boys as they grow up and have their own families.

Here's to a new me!

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