Saturday, August 30, 2008

We Survived the First Week of School! Yay!

I just cannot tell you how glad I am to be back on a schedule. The kids are in school. I'm back to working my 3 days of week. All is right in the world.

Danger Boy started fourth grade. He had a good week. He likes his teacher so far and he only missed one on his first spelling test (which is outstanding for him!). I am cautiously optimistic that we will have another good year.

The Pleaser started 7th grade. That means a new school for him. His first week was OK but he already has one teacher that he loves, one he cannot stand and a couple that he thinks he can just barely tolerate. He's also got an older kid in band with him who has been bullying him a little. I don't think the band director will put up with it for long though. The Pleaser isn't ready for me to say anything. He's afraid it will just make him more of a target. But I won't let it continue long. The band director is kind of a hard-ass so I think if I bring it to his attention, he will take care of it...and fast.

Also new for us this year...The Pleaser is riding the bus to school. I was really worried about it because I have heard horror stories, but the first week was uneventful so I remain cautiously optimistic about that as well. I'm still picking him up and he prefers it that way but the bus fits our morning schedule so I hope it continues to be an uneventful ride.

Now in 9 months or so, I'll be saying, "Isn't school out yet?" But for now, I'm going to revel in the scheduled life I am leading.

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