Friday, September 14, 2012

Reporting In

Our new school, band and work schedule hasn't afforded me a lot of time for blogging over the last couple of weeks.  I do have to say that despite our hectic schedule, I have pretty much stuck to my eating plan.  I'm still off caffeine (can't even remember the last time I had a caffeinated beverage) and still cooking 90%+ of our meals at home from mostly "real" ingredients.  For the most part, any cravings I had have gone away and things are much easier than they were in the first week of this change.  Phone Guy has seen dramatic decreases in his fasting blood sugar readings every morning and I think he may be convinced that this is all working to guide us to better health.  The Pleaser still makes a face at everything I put on the table but I pick my battles with him.  I require him to try everything I make, then he can have a peanut butter sandwich.  And Danger Boy, well he just rolls with the flow.  Most of the time he ends up liking what we have, or at least some portion of it anyway.

I don't have an "official" weight loss number yet but I believe it is somewhere around 10 lbs.  I've been doing this about 6 or 7 weeks I guess so I guess that is not too bad.  I kind of thought the number would be a little more significant but as they say, "Rome wasn't built in a day."

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