Sunday, July 2, 2006

*I* Have the Superman Curse

I have been eagerly awaiting the new Superman movie (if you couldn't tell).  I wanted to go opening night but since I have kids and Phone Guy works in the middle of the night, that really wasn't an option.  Thursday I helped my mom with my Grandma's move so unfortunately I had to delay for another day.  We were going to go Friday and time got away from us and we didn't make it again.  So by the time Saturday rolled around, I was more than ready.  We were going to go to the 11:30 show but naturally, Phone Guy was running late doing a bid for a friend of ours.  (Imagine that!)  We ended up going to the 3:00 pm show.  About 2 hours into the 2 1/2 hour movie, a thunderstorm blew through and BAM!  - Power was out to the theater and all surrounding businesses and it stayed out.   So we have rainchecks to see it again.  Of course now I have to sit through the 2 hours I have already seen to get to the part that I haven't seen! 

(WARNING:  if you haven't seen the movie you might want to stop reading now because it may get a little spoilerish)

Now, on the funny side of this power outage - if you've seen the movie - Lex Luthor is causing havoc with his evil plan and power has been going out in Metropolis and all over North America because of it.  We were just at the climax of the movie when Lex's evil plan is taking hold and we are seeing power go out everywhere and general chaos unfolding....then we hear a huge BOOM and total darkness.  Everyone in the theater kind of gasped for a second and I think we all thought it might be part of the show for a moment.  Then we realized what a suck-ass thing had happened.  Phone Guy yelled out, "that damn Lex Luthor" and everyone got a good laugh out of that. 

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