Thursday, January 22, 2009

Prejudice – It’s Not Just for White People Anymore

Our school district has been realigned for next year.  The Pleaser’s two best friends live in different areas than we do and the three boys are districted to three different schools according to the new plan.  They were given the option to stay in their current school for next year and The Pleaser insisted on the transfer because he assumed his other friends would do the same.  This means we won’t have bus service and I’ll have to resume the Mom Taxi next year.  But I’m willing to do that for him so he can stay with his friends.  I’ve already filled out the paperwork and sent it in.

Today he told me one of the boys (his very best friend) has decided not to transfer because there are “too many Blacks and Mexicans” in the current school.  Now this boy is Mexican.  I mean, his parents were born in Mexico and immigrated here.  He and his siblings are the first generation of his family not born in Mexico. 

They seem like wonderful people.  They have 3 children who are all excellent students and, better yet, nice kids.  They are very involved with their kids and never miss a school event.  My son has spent the night at their house and gone with them to the movies.  He’s played video games at their house.  I can’t help but wonder how they would feel if I told my son that he couldn’t go to school there because there were too many Mexicans.  Would they be offended?  Would they allow their son to continue being friends with my son? 

Of course I would never do that.  We live in a very diverse neighborhood and my kids grew up in a very diverse elementary school and I believe that they are better, more tolerant individuals for it. They each have friends of many different races and religions and I am glad that they don’t see color as a barrier.

The Pleaser is completely devastated that he won’t be in the same school as his very best friend anymore…and I am devastated for him.

It’s the perfect end to an extraordinarily disappointing day.

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